Sunday, February 8, 2009

quotes that make sense right now

"The moon has nothing to be sad about,
staring from her hood of bone.
She is used to this sort thing.
Her blacks crackle and drag."
-from Edge by Sylvia Plath

"The guitar bled for about a week afterwards
And the blood was zoot, dark and rich, like wild berries
The blood of the guitar was Chuck Berry red
The guitar bled for about a week afterwards
But it rung out beautifully
And I was able to play notes that I have never even heard before
So I took my guitar
And I smashed it against the wall."
-Wasted Youth, Meatloaf

"she appears composes, so she is, I suppose
who can really tell?
she shows no emotion at all,
stares into space like a dead china doll."
-Waltz #2, Elliott Smith

Between the Bars, Elliott Smith

I need to start an old-school thrashy punk band. I desperately hope old-school punk is coming back.

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